Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bodybuilder Injects Self With Mixture Of Oil And ALCOHOL To Grow Fake Biceps (Photos)

Bodybuilders in Brazil are risking death by injecting themselves with a potentially lethal cocktail of oil and alcohol to pump up their muscles.
Arlindo de Souza has grown 29in biceps – the biggest in Brazil – after injecting the filler into his body, where it causes appearance of swollen muscles.
But even he admits it can cause dangerous infections. Some users have had their arms amputated. Others have died.

Popeye: Bodybuilder Arlindo de Souza, 43, shows off his bulging biceps outside his home in Olinda, Brazil

Pose: Mr de Souza has grown 29in biceps – the biggest in Brazil – after injecting them with oil and alcohol

Risky: It can cause dangerous infections. Some users have had their arms amputated. Others have died

Mr de Souza is nicknamed ‘The Mountain’ in his hometown of Olinda, on the coast of Brazil’s Pernambuco state
‘My friend Paulinho, he passed away from doing these things,’ said Mr de Souza. ‘I felt his death a lot. He took it, I took it, but he went beyond the limit. I advise no-one to take this oil.
‘I’ve stopped taking it, and other things as well, but there is always that will to start again. But I’m managing to control myself, to this day.’

The Arnold Schwarzenegger fan, nicknamed ‘The Mountain’ in his hometown, had already been taking a cocktail of steroids, hormones and horse vitamins to bulk up.
Then a gym buddy offered him a ‘site enhancement oil’ to help pull ahead of his rivals.

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