Need an ego boost? Just think about your pal who isn’t getting laid.
People are happier if they believe they’re having more s-èx than their peers, says a new study.
Researchers analyzed a survey of more than 15,000 participants and found that—surprise!—the more s-èx people had, the more content they were. And those who did the deed two to three times a week were 55 percent more likely to feel cheerier than folks who didn’t get any action in the past year.
It’s kind of like making a social comparison with money. More income doesn’t necessarily make you happy because you can buy more things—rather, you use money as a benchmark to compare yourself to others and see whether or not you’re living the good life.
The same applies to s-èx: If you know your friends are getting it on every night, you ultimately feel less satisfied with what’s happening in your bedroom.