Thursday, March 13, 2014

Comment of the Day: True Identity,unity and solidarity

Common local languages is one of the powerful tool to bring unity and solidarity among a race of people and a country or continent. So many non English speaking countries in Asia like china, Philipines, Thailand, India..Korea , Japan... etc they might have different ethnic groups, different local languages, different cultures, different religions among them, but they have one common local language that every citizen can speak, read and write it.

And this is their true identity and nationalism. This is what is lacking in Africa. We have over thousands of local languages, but we Africans don't have any common local languages that can be spoken, read and write among us. We still emphasis and depend on the colonial masters languages (ENGLISH, FRENCH & PORTUGUESE) as our common languages and official languages. Are we really free from bondage and colonialism? Asia leaders, Middle East leaders and some European countries leaders when they meet for international conference and gatherings, they all give their speeches in their various local languages, even they can read, speak and write English they won't speak it.
They prefer to express their selves in their own local dialects. what about Africa leaders? They only come on stage dressed up in suit and tie speaking all French and English grammars, jargons, vocabulary, then are so proud of it they can speak very good English. Lack of self identity is big virus affecting Africa leaders.

~ Africa Freedom

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