Thursday, March 13, 2014

Pics: Pres. Barack Obama Shops for his Wife & daughters at Gap —See His Purchases

Barack Obama's just like us!
While in New York City, the president decided to make a quick stop at The Gap to buy a few things for First Lady Michelle Obama and their daughters, Sasha and Malia. Sweet dad!
Of course, POTUS' shopping trip wasn't just to grab a couple wardrobe pieces for his main ladies. He also made some brief remarks about raising the minimum wage—and cracking some jokes with the Gap employees, of course.

Continue after the break..

Choosing a light pink crewneck for Sasha, a bright pink version for Malia, and a blue zip-up workout top for FLOTUS, the president joked when signing the electronic signature pad, saying "Oh, you can sign it electronically! Just kidding," he said. "It hasn't been that long since I bought something."

"I'm here at the Gap because it never hurts to bring something back home...I get points," Obama told the press.
The president praised the popular retail store for raising their minimum wage to $9 an hour in 2014 and $10 an hour in 2015, saying he will continue to push Congress to boost the minimum wage.

"At my State of the Union address, I stressed the importance of giving Americans a raise," he said. "I'm continuing to push Congress to boost minimum wage, but businesses and local governments can also act. Last week, I also wanted to lift up companies that are doing right by their employees.

"Gap announced that they are lifting their wages...will put money back in people's pockets. For a lot of folks who are starting out, that boost is good for families and the economy. The minimum wage not just going to teenagers, also people with families. People who are shopping should support companies that are doing right by their employees. Congrats to the Gap and I am very pleased with my sweaters," he said.

Surely, Michelle, Malia and Sasha will be pleased, too.
Would President Jonathan do this? LOL

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