Showing posts with label My hubbby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My hubbby. Show all posts

Friday, October 3, 2014

Dearest OOB Readers: My hubbby called me ode for texting his mistress

Dearest OOB, please advice. A particular girl my husband had s3xual relations with kept texting him “hey boo”, “hey hun”, requesting skype dates and such…and he used to reply her. When I then found out, I obviously said it wasn't acceptable and for some time he stopped. Until she sent him an email recently saying she missed him so much and etc and so forth. So, I sent the babe an email saying it wasn't acceptable and she needed seriously to chill. She responded saying he was like her brother (they lived together for some time and were in a s3xual relationship) and I was coming at “my sister-in-law” Now the craziest thing is this..she told my husband that I texted her and my husband's response if you ask me was: “why have you been going about texting my friends, how will you stoop so are this ode.To say I was dumbfounded is likely to be an understatement. Don't know how to respond to this


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