Showing posts with label Nicholas Ibekwe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nicholas Ibekwe. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"Why I put out the TB Joshua bribery audio" - Nicholas Ibekwe

Written by Nicholas Ibekwe, The Journalist
The last 72 hours were probably the most intense in my life. The love, kind words and support I’ve received in that period from, mostly, total strangers have been overwhelming. I want to thank everybody who saw the good in what I did. Though, to be honest, I think it was a little stupid. What was I thinking putting my life and probably my career on the line in an attempt to change something so entrenched it seems unchangeable?  But really I’m not fazed by the trash talk from those allergic to the truth.

It’s a long time coming and someone has to put the Big Ben on the fat cat, I guess.


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