Showing posts with label Sexually Safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sexually Safety. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2014

Just how to Get Rid of Genital Odor - Part 5 of 8 [Sexually Safety]

Are You Sexually Active? 
If you are, make sure he wears what he has to wear! 
From the research I carried on Vaginal odor and infections, I have discovered that in some cases the guy`s semen and other secretions can be the explanation for the bad odor of the vagina. This will either be because he's STD [Sexually Transmitted Disease] or he doesn't clean his private part thoroughly before entering inside the woman. If you trust him so much and you understand that he doesn't have some of that stuff, you can miss out the condom part but when you`re uncertain then don't risk it whatsoever.

The same as us woman, guys also provide fluid taken from their penis constantly and they need to make sure that they wash their penis after every trip to the toilet or at least before having sexual intercourse with a woman. If your guy doesn't, ensure you ask him to [in a lovely way] before proceeding further.  You need to also try your ]best to avoid the use of lubricants as part of your vagina and if it's badly needed get the one that's all natural ingredients. It can also be better to ask him to wash his hands before putting it as part of your Vaj-Jay because you never understand what sort of deadly bacteria can enter inside you from his fingers. There is nothing wrong in asking him to wash his hands; it's just a normal hygienic practice. It may also let him know how concerned you're about your individual hygiene.


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