Showing posts with label Vivi Ibru. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vivi Ibru. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Cecilia Ibru's daughter, Vivi Ibru, in divorce drama

The 8 year old marriage between Vivi, the daughter of defunct Oceanic Bank CEO, Cecilia Ibru and her husband, Aleksander Stankov, has been dissolved by the court, Encomium magazine, reports.
The high court of Imo state presided over by Honorable Justice Ngozi Opara severed severed the marital vows that existed between the two once-upon-a-time lover after Aleksander approached the court to seek for the dissolution of his marriage to Vivi who is the mother of his three children.
For sometime now, Vivi and Aleksander have been staying apart with Aleks accusing his wife of refusal to play the dutiful and humble wife. No one took them serious at the initial stage until the period Vivi moved out of their matrimonial home with the couple's three children. All entries from Family and friends to reconcile the two parties didn't work as their dream of a beautiful future together came crashing down." Continue...


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