Showing posts with label infertility Scenario. Show all posts
Showing posts with label infertility Scenario. Show all posts

Monday, September 8, 2014

Dearest OOB readers: Infertility Scenario

"This question is meant for females readers (mothers). Being a mother is the greatest joy of every woman. While some women are fortunate with getting pregnant so easy others are not. Women who are not able to get pregnant are faced with one problem or the other. One of these problems may be that their tube or tubes are blocked. This tube blockage comes in different cases but basically a woman who is face with this problem may not be able to conceive naturally except through IVF or have their tubes open again through surgical procedure, which doctors seem to believe is not 90% successful and can also cause tube blockage because fallopian tubes blockage is caused by scars tissue from surgeries since the tube is very tiny."


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