Monday, June 9, 2014

#1 of 8 S3x Positions Every Lady Loves

According to s#x experts, women get the most pleasure out of basic miss1onary s#x. “Interestingly, when we surveyed women, good old-fashioned missionary position was the overall favorite. There’s nothing fancy about it, but women said they loved the closeness and the intimacy of having their partner’s weight on them,” says Solot.
But in order for position to be most effective, Los Angeles-based s#x expert and radio host Lora Somoza says to make sure you’re entering her at the correct angle. “By going in diagonally—rather than straight in and out—there’s more fr1ction for cl1torial st1mulation, which is best, since that’s how most women achieve org#sm.”



  1. sound interesting. Lovers are learning new styles hmmmmm

  2. God plan and design always be the best rather than animals style.



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