Saturday, September 13, 2014

Omo Oodua blog'birthday'is coming up: Pre-Naira splash...This Token is for you !

Greatest Omo Oodua Blog Readers !! Greatest Oodua Readers !! Greatest Omo Oodua Rere Readers !! Greatest of the Greatest Oodua Readers !!

First of all we would like to say that Omo Oodua blog readership has grown a lot over the past 12 months since we first celebrated OOB's birthday. We think it is because we have been posting more and you have been reading and sharing more. We check the stats of Omo Oodua blog everyday and we are always happy and  surprised to see what countries pop up. 

Last year we gave just 20k to our readers. This year we'll giving out a lot more and it will be fun. Hopefully! By 18th of this month Omo Oodua blog will clock 2. We want to say thank you for being there for us.

To win the First Give away!!! 
Continue after the jump.

Please write an article about Nigeria and win N10,000. ( this is the first batch of the total amount we'll be giving out before this year runs out) The best article will get #10,000 before the month runs out.

Issues to address in the Article: "Decades of Infrastructure Decay in Nigeria", 'How did we get here', what is the way out and how soon can we get out.

Not more than  500-1000 words. Each Article will be shared on the blog and on Facebook. The highest number of likes on facebook will get #10,000 before the end of the month. You can send the article to our email address or via our Facebook.


NS: You can write your article in Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo or English Language. Don't forget the more likes you get on facebook, the more your chances of winning.



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