Showing posts with label longest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label longest. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

PHOTO: Man with longest tongue hits new record as it keeps growing

A man, who officially has the longest tongue in the world, received some cheerful news recently.
The man with the world’s longest tongue, measuring at 3.8 inches long, is happy that he gets to keep the record.

The tongue of Stephen Taylor, who lives in the United Kingdom, has grown 0.2 inches from the last time it was measured for the record books in 2009. It is also expected to continue growing.
His extra long tongue has made him famous worldwide, and he once shared a 10-second kiss with actress Brigitte Nielsen in front of a live television audience in Italy.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Photos: SEE The Woman With World's Longest Dreadlocks ( Hot Or Not ?)

She is 47 and happily married to her 3rd husband. She has been keeping the dreads for 25years now. Meanwhile, doctors have advised her to cut her hair for health reasons.
# She stopped cutting her hair in her 20s
# The uncut locks is about 25 years old
# Her hair weighs about 39 pounds (17.7 kg)
# Though she underwent a bilateral mastectomy followed by chemotherapy in the late 1990s, miraculously, her hair didn't fall out
See more pictures after the Break.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

See Man with the longest Nipple (Photo)

I totally have no words for this picture....but i know some girls will start forming argument now that theirs is longer

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Third longest river in the world suddenly turns red (LOOK)

The longest river in China and the third longest river in the world has suddenly turned red for an unknown reason.

The river known as the "Golden Waterway", red is a color rarely seen.

However, that is the shadow appearing on the Yangtze River and officials have no idea why. The red began to appear on the Yangtze, the longest river and largest in China and the third longest river in the world, near the city of Chongqing, where the Yangtze River connects with Jialin.

The Yangtze, called "Golden" because it receives heavy rainfall throughout the year, runs through Chongqing, the largest industrial and commercial center in the southwest of China, also known as the "Mountain City" for the hills and peaks in its many buildings and factories.

The red color stopped some residents in their tracks. They put the river water in bottles for storage. The fishermen and other workers who depend on the river for income proceeded with their business, according to the news media.

While the red color was more pronounced near Chongqing it was also reported in several other places.Authorities are investigating the cause.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

See America's longest married couple. 80 years and counting

John (101) and Ann Betar (97) of Fairfield, Connecticut, tied the knot on Nov. 25, 1932. They've been happily married for over 80 years now. Together they have five children, 14 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. They have been named the longest married couple in the U.S.
John and Ann Betar told ABC News that they considered themselves "blessed."
"We are very fortunate. It can be repeated and repeated," Ann, 97, said "It is unconditional love and understanding. We have had that. We consider it a blessing."
They said their secret to so many happy years together is simple: compromise and don't hold a grudge.


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