However height seems to be the one iffy attribute on the list. For some reason, a good amount of men can’t handle being shorter than their lady. It has nothing to do with attributes, taste, or personality- as a matter of fact, the girl might just be perfect for him other than the fact that she’s a few inches taller.
It all comes down to man’s uncompromising ego. Some guys have it stuck in their minds that dating a taller woman will make them seem weak and insecure. Well we are here to set the record straight.
I have had the pleasure of dating taller women than myself in the past (FYI: I am an equal opportunity lover so I have dated a wide and interesting range of women…but that’s another story for another day) I must confess that dating a taller chick can be quite interesting *wink wink* and I definitely encourage my not-so-tall friends to go for it….it’s ok to date a taller woman and here’s why…..
Most girls just want to date someone they can laugh with. A clashing personality, lack of attraction, disagreement in core values or inter-family hatred is good reason for incompatibility. Height? Not so much. Look past the two-inch gap and appreciate her for who she is, not her mark on the yardstick.
Height is just a measurement
Sure, you might run into the girls who aren’t attracted to shorter guys. To us here at manswersonline, height is in the same category as hair color, eye color, skin tone, bone structure and general parameters of attractiveness. If she isn’t attracted to you because of your height, it just as well could have been her disinterest in brown eyed men. Height is just a measurement, just like eye color is just an attribute. So stop worrying about the difference in altitude
Defy the “Napoleon complex”
By definition: “A colloquial term describing an alleged type of inferiority complex which is said to affect some people, especially men, who are short in stature.” Men who are short have to compensate in other areas? Listen fellas; take it from a tall girl herself “We don’t care if you’re short or tall or blue- or brown-eyed. We like you for you” No need to overcompensate by limiting your dating selection to those below your mark on the yardstick. Defy the complex and date us tall girls. We’ll be glad you did.
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Tomkat!!! |

So, now that we’ve established reasons why you should date taller women, we going to show you some key pointers on how to (or how not to) approach these Amazonian beauties…
Stay away from cheesy lines: Among the more common pick-up lines to avoid with taller women are “Do you play basketball?”, “what’s the weather like up there?” and my personal favorite “I’d like to climb you”. Interestingly, while some women think being tall is worth writing a book, most tall women perceive it to be a gift and a curse. Sure she can reach the top shelves but she may not always blend into the crowd. A cheesy pick up line will surely not endear her to you. Hit on her eyes, her skin, her smile or even her dress…leave the tall talk.
Treat her like a lady: If you didn’t already know, every woman wants to be treated special, pull out her chair at dinner, open the door for her and take notice of the little things like a new hairdo or a new dress. Don’t ask her to hold out her hand so that you can compare with yours and exclaim at how much bigger hers is, request to breed a basketball team or wonder out loud what shoe size she wears! Tall women are just women after all, you shouldn’t characterize them by their size, treat them like you would a princess and they’ll love you for that.
Everything evens out in-between the sheets: Some guys suffer from sexual anxiety when it comes to taller women. Yes, you may be dating what seems like a sky scrapper but in terms of anatomy, the parts generally work themselves out. Most times you have to be horizontal to do the did (except you’re into more adventure)
Get over it: Maybe you’ve never gone out with a tall woman; maybe you’re a little intimidated. When dating a taller woman you need to remember that to operate under the premise that she is fine with the fact that she is tall. Let it be fine for you. Most vertically endowed women don’t really care how tall you are. They care what kind of man you are. Let her know who you are and she may just fall for you.
And If You’re Worried About What Other People Think: You pick her up for a date. In stilettos, she’s waaay taller than you. Gulp. What will your guys think when you roll into the party with a woman who towers above you? When other guys see a guy with a woman who’s taller than he is, they assume one of two things: A) He has a lot of money, or B) He’s really good in bed. Bagging a six-footer is big-game hunting. If you land one, everyone will assume you’re a baller. Now, get out there, and find yourself a tall woman. I bet she’s waiting for you — with her heels on.
Date girls