Saturday, June 15, 2013

Dearest Ọmọ Oódua Readers: My Boyfriend Agrees To My ''No S-éx'' Rule, Is This Normal or abnormal ?


Dear Readers, if u av bin datin a guy dat agrees to ur no s-éx rule in a relationship, for 3 yrs now, wat does it prove?
becos I suspect him

1 comment:

  1. Humans can be quite complicated.. They ask for something, they get it and then are worried that they got exactly what they asked for... Funny creatures we are. So you suspect he's impotent or something? I agreed to the no sex rule also because of my moral standings and I'm far from impotent as I am happily married now to that same lady. Just relax and do a little bit of physical advances at him just to clear your doubt.. But nothing is wrong with him not pesterin you for sex.



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