Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dearest Ọmọ Oódua readers: I've had $-ex with 4 men, is that too much for an 18 year old?

I am 18 years old and in my second year in a private university. I started having s-ex when I turned 16 after leaving secondary school and I have had four s-exual partners so far. I dated 2 of the boys while the other 2 were just flings. Recently I confided in a friend the number of men I've been with and I later saw text exchanges between her and another mutual friend of ours laughing at me and criticizing me. They called me all sorts of names including wayward and loose. I've been with only four men, is that too much for a girl my age? I thought it was the norm so why are my friends condemning me and passing the info around?
Four sex-ual partners at 18? That's waaaay too much! My opinion. What do you guys think?


  1. Way too much my dear won't add up any tin to ur life or can u include such to ur CV? If not its pointless just one is okay.

  2. Its just d "flings" part that got me,what if u had d wrong guys?nothing is impossible,females fall into wrong relationships frm time to time,given d age u strted,"16",u were still very young and naïve and anything could av happened,u could av tot sex was love or anything dear,but now,im sure u knw better,but technically,4 partners for an 18year old is wrong honey,except you fell in love with the wrong people simultaneously.:)



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