Sunday, November 17, 2013

Actress Adaora Ukoh Talks About Marriage Issues & $-éx Movies

The big and busty actress got married secretly almost a year ago, but this indicates she is not finding the core of marital life easy. Below is what Adaora Ukoh told a reporter about her experiences...
"Well, I just noticed that it is not an easy world. When I go through the Omotolas that have kept theirs, I give them kudos. This really is challenging because men come with a lot of drama and they would like to hold it down for you personally when this occurs when they've entered. And sometime it seems as you are attempting to fight it out."
The kind of séx roles you play nowadays?

"S-éx role is not my thing. Once you look at every movie, there can be quite a theme. Just like the movie I'm shooting currently, there's sé-x scene however the producer made a decision to shoot it like a silhouette, where you light the wall. You will be doing all of the sé-x scenes however it will be showing on the wall. Not that when he decides to shoot the sé-x path straight, he cannot, but provided that they understand how to move with the cameras, I can do it because it's a built-in path of the movie. But it's not me to go shoot a video that's sé-x as the theme. Not that I don't do romance, I really do romance in movies but I would not do outright showing the s-éx scene that probably could look vulgar."

1 comment:

  1. She's never married. So she knows nothing about marriage. Fine our b4 posting next time



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