''Approximately 40,000 Nigerians live in India and one was murdered in cold blood and 5 other wounded in Goa, India. But trust the Nigerian government not to do anything about this lynching!There are over 800,000 Indians in Nigeria, let the lynching party begin!
I have lived in India and those sick fucks in their majority are racist towards Africans - That shocked me. Or wasn't this the same people Marco Polo recorded as saying that 'Dark skin is highly esteemed among these people. ‘When a child is born they anoint him once a week with oil of sesame, and this makes him grow much darker’ . No wonder their gods are all black ‘and their devils white as snow.’Continue
In Nigeria that are respected and treated fairly even when the majority are criminals, fraudsters and fake company runners destroying the economy and land. Now these same set of smelly fucks go around think they are somehow superior to the African.
My time in India, although good in some sense was largely marred by the majority of their ignorant, smelly, racist cunts!
But trust our kind not to bat an eyelid. Trust our kind not to give a grudge.
But why would they? When even Nigerians are murdering Nigerians in Nigeria and NOTHING is being done. We have shown we value not our own lives so no man values them as well!
Oh Oh Oh! Where is Brother GARVEY!! Where is Brother Malcolm??? My heart bleeds!''- Teekay Akin Free Africa Project, FAP, Nigeria
can u imagine