Sunday, December 29, 2013

See what African Chinese looked like at about 35,000 B.C. (Jomon)

At about 35,000 B.C. a group of African Chinese; later known to us as the Jomon, took this route and entered Japan, they became the first Humans to inhabit the Japanese Islands. Later, another group; Known to us as the Ainu, followed. Oddl…y Indians were Not part of this group. Today, their genes can still be found in 40% of modern Japanese, as well as Mongolians and Tibetans- Past and Present Kings & Queens‘s – This Photo showing is a group of Tibetan nuns@1903, their heads are shaved and these are (African inspired) wigs. For more research get a book call maps & manuscripts at Bonhams)-ALL History is OUR History.2013

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