Showing posts with label Jomon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jomon. Show all posts

Sunday, December 29, 2013

See what African Chinese looked like at about 35,000 B.C. (Jomon)

At about 35,000 B.C. a group of African Chinese; later known to us as the Jomon, took this route and entered Japan, they became the first Humans to inhabit the Japanese Islands. Later, another group; Known to us as the Ainu, followed. Oddl…y Indians were Not part of this group. Today, their genes can still be found in 40% of modern Japanese, as well as Mongolians and Tibetans- Past and Present Kings & Queens‘s – This Photo showing is a group of Tibetan nuns@1903, their heads are shaved and these are (African inspired) wigs. For more research get a book call maps & manuscripts at Bonhams)-ALL History is OUR History.2013


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