My long time partner and i eventually got married on the 21st of last month. To be candid, that day was d happiest day of my life. But the happiness was transformed into a state of acrimony and topsy-turvy once we balanced the equation that night and I came across she wasn't a virgin. I courted her for nearly 3 years and i did have no form of intimate activity with her because she said dat she was a virgin. I believed her because i thought she was telling me the truth. What infuriated me the most was the simple sorry she said to me after i came across her real state. Pls i need u guys advise cos i'm confused….thanks in anticipation
I'm sorry about your dilemma. But from experience i have come to realise that women cant be entirely trusted. If she lied about being a virgin, then she probably was cheating on u while u were dating. And if she was bold enough not to tell u the truth before you got married, there is def more to her than you wil eva know. My advice will be if you love this woman, make sure you guys are on the same page, she needs to come clean on why she lied about her virginity COs a simple sorry wont do. And you should probably talk to your pastor about it. Good luck thou.(u will def need lots of luck to keep your marriage)