Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How to Look Beautiful Without Makeup (Part II)

*Get your scrub on.
Speaking of dewy glows, incorporating a simple exfoliation twice a week will ensure your dry, dead, and dull skin cells don’t suffocate your skin and block up your pores.
You see, when we don’t scrub the lifeless layers of skin off our face, those dead skin cells become opaque and don’t reflect light properly, causing our skin to look, well, blah.
To combat this, mix equal parts of baking soda and water and give it a good stir. Once it is properly combined, apply it to your face and rub it into your skin gently for up to two minutes.
When your two minutes are up, wash it off, pat dry and moisturize with a few drops of coconut oil. Then just stand back and marvel at how healthy your skin looks.
*Keep hands off.

We all catch ourselves doing it – resting your chin in your hand, popping pimples, rubbing your eyes or massaging your forehead. And you know what? It’s hurting your skin.
Since the skin on our face is the most delicate on our body, it is easily damaged, stretched, and torn.
Each time you rub your eyes. Each time you tug at your skin. Each time you rest of face on your hand. Each time you scratch your face or pick at your skin or pop pimples, you are causing micro-tears in your skin.
These micro-tears eventually lead to future wrinkles, and what’s more, they can also cause a gradual degradation of your skin.
Moral of the story?
Keep your hands off your face. Enough said.
*Tea is for tanning.
If there is one quick and easy way to feel beautiful without makeup, it’s with a healthy hue.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying head outside and bake in the sun or run to your nearest indoor tanning salon and embrace your inner Snooki.
I’m simply suggesting you get your DIY on and create your own tan.
All you need is tea.

To make your own self-tanner:
Boil two cups of water.
Add in 5 tea bags and allow them to steep for about 20 minutes.
Once your tea has cooled, remove the tea bags and pour your tea into a clean spray bottle.
Standing in either your shower or bathtub, spray yourself one body part at a time, allowing your skin to dry before applying another coat.

Allow your skin to completely dry before getting dressed.
Not only will you have a killer faux-glow, but your skin will feel moisturized and soft. It’s a win-win!
I know first hand how challenging it can be to feel like your gorgeous self when you’re barefaced and vulnerable; but if you can work these five tips into your daily routine your skin will look healthier than ever, giving you a darn good reason to feel beautiful without makeup.

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