Saturday, August 9, 2014

Ebola Scare: Air Hostesses rock Ebola Suit, See Ebola gloves.

This is not a laughing matter or.. O Serious !!! This is supposedly an image of air hostesses on a West African flight. The one who submitted the pic gave the name of the country and airline but because I haven't any way of confirming it, we shall leave that out. Meanwhile continue steadily to observe attendants at Lekki Toll Gate in Lagos collect money now...

If you are dealing with someone that deals with a lot of people. I guess the virus can be transmitted that way as well. Please try to get Ebola gloves if you know the person you are dealing with or buying something from, deals with a lot of people.  For example the, the attendant above' gloves may be contaminated with the virus as well as I am not sure he changes it per hand.

Please protect yourself, don't just look/read and ignore oh.. Ebola is for real !!
Please ignore salt and water remedy. 20 people has been hospitalized while drinking salt and water.

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