Showing posts with label Drinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drinking. Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2013

MUST READ: What The Holy Bible Says About Drinking Alcohol (With Jesus himself consuming wine)

Here’s an interesting piece I found on a popular forum.. Read and tell me if you support the what the writer portrayed !
What The Bible Says About Drinking Alcohol
With Jesus himself consuming wine, you would think the Bible supports consuming alcohol. But, the truth could be otherwise, drinking could well be a sin.
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Saturday, September 28, 2013

What is wrong with these Photos (Soldiers Drinking Snake Blood Version)

 About 13,000 soldiers from seven countries (Thailand, United States, Singapore, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea and Malaysia) participated in Cobra Gold 2013, a joint, multi-national military training exercise which focuses on maintaining and improving military-to-military relationships among nations.

And the training has been hosted annually by Thailand since 1982.  During this year’s training, Thai soldiers got to show the U.S. Marines how to catch a cobra with their bare hands, as well as drink the snake blood to survive.
See more after the break.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Stop Drinking: Alcohol Makes You Age Faster Than You Can Imagine

Ellie Krupnick, senior style editor, 6-10 drinks a week 

Drinking Mirror is a mobile app that illustrates how alcohol consumption can really speed up the aging process. Released earlier this year as part of the Scottish government’s Drop a Glass Size campaign, the app allows users to upload or take a photo of themselves, enter their weekly boozing habits and see what they could look like in ten years. And the results are just as scary as this image of a truck driver with sun damage on the left side of his face. We’re talking forehead wrinkles, bloodshot eyes and saggy jowls.

Continue After The Break

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

UNBELIEVABLE!! Girl's stomach removed Totally after drinking inside club

An 18-year-old girl had her stomach removed after drinking a cocktail at a bar, according to reports.  Authorities say the British teenager has had her stomach removed after she ingested a cocktail made with liquid nitrogen, an exotic ingredient often used by waitresses at bars to add a touch of excitement to their drinks.

British news media said 18-year-old, Gaby Scanlon was out with friends on Thursday night in the northern city of Lancaster, England, when she was hospitalized after having a drink prepared with liquid nitrogen, super cooled version of the harmless gas.  The liquid nitrogen evaporates rapidly at room temperature, creating a special effect as warmer water condenses around the glass.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Happy Birthday !!! Gov Oshiomhole & comedian I Go Dye drinking together on their birthday

The Governor of Edo State Comrade Adams Oshiomhole and popular Edo State born comedian, I Go dye both added a year today April 4th. They were photographed sharing a drink today at the Government House in Benin. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Photo: See The Woman Who Is Addicted To Drinking Blood

A 29 year old woman has admitted she is addicted to drinking blood. Michelle, 29, has been downing pig’s blood since she was a teenager, and now says she cannot be in a good mood without it.

‘Blood is as important as water to me,’ she says during her appearance on the show. ‘I like to drink blood when I’m reading, when I’m relaxing, when I’m watching TV, when I’m painting,’ she explains. ‘There’s never a bad time for me to drink blood.’

The Lancaster, California native’s addiction is so severe that she says she cannot start her day without a sip of blood.  ‘I drink it and I get energized,’ she says of the liquid.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Woman Addicted to Drinking 6 Gallons of Water Per Day

Water can be addictive too. It can also be deadly if you drink too much water.  A young mother is talking about her strange addiction to drinking water.  She swallows up to six gallons of water per day. Sasha Kennedy, 26, has big bottles around her wherever she goes.  Because of her addiction, she has to use the bathroom 40 times a day, and she says she has left jobs due to lack of water quality. 


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