Every guy wants to be able to attract women. You're in a bar with your buddies, having a few drinks after work, and suddenly you spot a sexy vixen giving you the eye from across the room. You brush it off and keep schmoozing with your friends, but then you notice a second, very pronounced glance. You give yourself a quick pep talk, head over, and initiate a conversation with the woman.
The conversation starts off well; she seems interested and bubbly. You take the typical first encounter route, asking her where she works, where she’s from, and what she does for fun. Just when you’re starting to feel confident, she begins looking around the room and stops contributing to the conversation. You quickly steer the discussion to a new topic, hoping that it will end the uncomfortable silence that seems to be growing. But it doesn’t work. She takes a brief sip from her drink, excuses herself to go to the bathroom, and never returns.
If this happens to you on a regular basis, then this article is for you. Read on and find out how you can attract women and keep the conversation intriguing.