The Flake
Cancelling at the last minute, postponing until later, promising she'll be there soon and then mysteriously not responding to texts - believe me, you'll know if you're friends with a flake. (Tip: Look in the mirror and see if your face has a resigned, world-weary expression.) Not only is the process of arranging to meet up exhausting (all those emails with subjects like Re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Tonight!), chances are you'll be in a bad mood with her before you even see her, which kinda makes the whole thing pointless
The Oversharer
You'll know you're mates with an oversharer if every time you hear her say your name in conversation, you leg it straight over and get ready to silence her with a manicured dig in the ribs. She re-tells your stories, blabs about that night you accidentally woke up at his place wearing an elf outfit and often accuses you of being 'SO oversensitive' if you call her on it. This is one endless broadcast you could seriously do with switching off...