Well our good friends at Maestro media has taken their time to compile a detail dossier of this ladies escapade, as a chief pimp for major power men in Nigeria (we are talking of senate presidents, presidential aides and ministers and above), She is also now recruiting another young beauty, Jojo Lara into the business - anyway, read the encoded message below:
Against all odds just a few years ago she emerged as a 'Queen', don't you all worry we don't mean the other type of queen, this one emerged through a competition. Some even speculated she shouldn't have won then, because there were better qualified ones that year, but she seem to know how best to play her game. Since after dropping the crown without any scandal(thank God for that). She has been quietly going about her business doing many things (trading etc). But Chief of what she does is that she's a PIMP par excellence.
She has high-powered connections in the corridors of power, name them she knows and not that alone, she is also connected to very liquid private businessmen also, who loves to have great fun and can afford it.