Showing posts with label Relationship question. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationship question. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Dearest Omo Oodua Readers: Should I still marry her or do away with her?

Met my girlfriend 5 years ago even as we both came into university together. We started dating and in our third year she got pregnant which we'd to quietly removed because we both were not prepared. Now we are both finished with NYSC and looking for better paying jobs. The thing is she developed a sickness over the last 12 months that has been financially demanding. Her parents have sold all they can so as  to keep her healthy and with the explanations from the doctors, her healing is definately not now. I really do believe in miracles but am worried if I can cope with the financial burden of her health when we get married as I'm just about to begin life myself. Am thinking if it will be a wise decision to stay and marry her or do away with her.


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