Showing posts with label hand-in-hand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hand-in-hand. Show all posts

Monday, August 4, 2014

Sickening moment 'paedophile' pictured hand-in-hand with 11year old girl

Child prostitution is quite common in Cambodia because of how poor many of them are. Some parents resort to prostituting their underage daughters to make ends meet...and knowing this, 55 year old British paedophile, Michael Jones, traveled to the country to have himself a good time.

The above pic left shows the moment Jones was spotted hand-in-hand with a girl said to be about 9 years old in the country's capital, Phnom Penh. He took the girl shopping, then took her to his rented apartment, had sex with her and returned her home.

Pictured right is Michael with three underage girls, two of them half dressed with another little girl on his lap. The girls are aged 8 and 9 years old. It was later found that he'd had sex with at least one of the girls. It is alleged that Jones took the girls shopping, bought them gifts, had sex with one of them, while grooming the others before taking them back to their houses. Continue...


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