Sunday, June 9, 2013

You May contract s-exually transmitted infections (STIs) via or-al se-x…find out how

Be safe!” You hear these two little words from your mom (too often), your best friend (because she cares), and those who have ever given you s-ex advice (out of genuine concern). When it comes to oral s-ex, though, sound advice is kind of murky. Many girls think oral s-ex is safe s-ex because they can’t get pregnant. What you may not know is that you can contract s-exually transmitted infections (STIs) from oral s-ex.
Read on to find out more about this increasingly relevant issue and how you can be safe if you choose to engage.
Isn’t oral s-ex safe s-ex?
“A big misconception is that oral s-ex is safe s-ex. O-ral se-x is safer s-ex, but it’s not safe se-x,” says Dr. Catherine Satterwhite, assistant professor at the University of Kansas School of Medicine. “It is less risky than vaginal se-x, but you can still contract se-xually transmitted infections (STIs) in your throat from performing oral s-ex.”

What STIs can I contract from performing oral s-ex and how will I know?
The disconcerting news: you can catch pretty much any STI from giving oral se-x, including Chlamydia, gonorrhea, HPV, and herpes. The good news: “All STIs can clear up on their own, without ever having any symptoms appear. In fact, most STIs will not have any symptoms and will resolve on their own, without any treatment,” says Satterwhite. “HPV is likely to clear in 1-2 years. In the case of bacterial STIs, like chlamydia and gonorrhea, infections may clear in as few as a couple of weeks to about a year or longer.”
Although STIs can clear up on their own, they can also cause disease. “In some cases, STIs may lead to symptoms. If you have any concerning symptoms, such as unusual discharge, pain during intercourse, or pain during urination, go talk with your doctor. In rare cases, STIs can lead to adverse outcomes, like warts in the throat from oral HPV or pelvic inflammatory disease after cervical Chlamydia or gonorrhea.”
There is one STI that will not clear up on its own, although you may never know you have it—herpes. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) will never go away once contracted. “You may never get any symptoms (sores), get sores only once, or get sores more than once. In all of these cases, you would still actually be infected with HSV and could pass the infection to someone else,” warns Satterwhite.
If I have a STI, will I infect my partner when giving oral s-ex? If my partner has a STI, will he infect me when giving oral s-ex?
“Oral STIs can be transmitted through fluid exchange including pre-ejaculate, ejaculate, and vaginal fluids—mucus and discharge,” says Satterwhite. Because there is potential for fluid exchange during oral s-ex, you CAN transmit STIs between the mouth and genitals, or vice versa.
“For instance, HPV and herpes may be shed from skin cells, whether a sore is present or not.
So, for example: oral herpes could be transmitted to the penis or female genitals, or genital herpes could be transmitted to the mouth,” Satterwhite explains.
“While the individual risks of oral s-ex are of concern, the greater concern may actually be passing the infection on to a s-ex partner,” says Satterwhite. “Genital infections are associated with greater risks than oral infections.” Keep reading to learn how to protect yourself.
How can I protect against getting an STI from oral s-ex?
You have a couple options when it comes to preventing STIs via oral s-ex. “The surest way to avoid STIs is abstinence – this means not having anal, vaginal, or oral s-ex,” says Rachel Powell, a spokesperson for the Center for Disease Control (CDC). If you don’t engage in oral se-x, there is automatically no risk of catching an STI.
You can also opt to use condoms (if you’re performing oral se-x on a guy) or dental dams (if your guy is performing oral s-ex on you). For information on discussing condoms with your partner, go here. You can also check out these videos from Planned Parenthood—this video teaches you how to properly put on a condom, and this video fills you in on how to use a dental dam.
Oral se-x is riskiest when you are exposed to fluid. If you aren’t using protection, don’t let your partner ejaculate into your mouth.
Oral se-x becomes much safer if you are in a “mutually monogamous relationshipwith an uninfected partner,” says Powell. To add to the security, make sure you and your partner are screened every year.
Where can I go to get tested?
Talk to your primary care doctor or your gynecologist. “A great time to get an STI check—in both your throat and around your genitals—is during your annual physical exam or, if you’re on birth control, when you get your prescription refilled,” suggests Satterwhite. “Either way, you should get tested for STIs once a year, whether you’re in a monogamous relationship or not.” Some other places to check out are your campus health center, the local Planned Parenthood or a public STD clinic. You can check out [hercampus

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