Saturday, September 14, 2013

Baby elephant cries 5 hours after mother rejects him ( Pictured)

It is impossible to restrain tears, indeed, when reporting about a devastated calf losing it after nearly being stepped to death by own mother. Only moments after baby elephant was born in a Chinese wildlife park, his mother displayed unusually aggressive behavior towards him. Wildlife officials decided to part the baby from the parent. Unfortunately, the little elephant could not stand it and broke into bitter tears. Zookeepers couldn’t calm him down for five hours.

1 comment:

  1. In order to get the newborn calf breathing, the mother will " kick" the newborn with her foot, to stimulate it to breathe. To a human, it can appear aggressive, but it's no different than the old medical practice Doctors used to have to get a human baby to breathe, by swatting it on the behind. The baby must begin to breathe, and the mom knows this. If it lies there too long, the ele mom takes action to save its life by stimulating it to begin breathing, but she does not step on it, merely spins it around with her foot. It is extremely possible that the observing humans misunderstood, and the mom knew best, and that they shouldn't have separated them. It is likely that this is why the calf was upset. I am hard pressed to believe the mom rejected her babe, as that is simply not the character of elephants. Man too often acts out of lacking insight and too often separates elephant calves from their mothers when they absolutely shouldn't, much to everyone's sorrow. Veterinarians lack understanding and insight all the time, keepers too.



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