Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Should I try to find this out or continúe to be happy with the other partner. Help

Please do not give my name……& hellip ;.I've experienced a relationship for 12 yrs and married 9 yrs to a pretty decent man. Until recently we've had a very good run. Heres the problem his so called bestfriend has managed to basically destroy everything between us , we're currently seperated because he has been caught numerous times in compromising issues. Its got so bad i recently asked him to leave. He was gone for a couple months and im told he has a baby with this particular chick! That crushed me however it got worse when I find out its his bestfris niece. It took me about 6 months simply to CRT when I saw him. Recently I ran into a youth friend and we started goin out, taking tríps, spending many time together. Long story my husband discovered and flipped! Im simply not understanding whats the difference when he started this mess. Should I try to work this out or should I continúe to be pleased with the person who makes me anule and feel loved again. Signed, I recently happiness

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