Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Personal hygiene: Must Read For All Men

Good personal hygiene is the first step to good health. What are the hygiene habits to cultivate?

Stay dry and clean
Shower daily. Make sure your underwears are not tight— cotton is a preferred fabric. Wash up after motions to avoid germs entering the openings and mucous membranes. Men should sleep without their underwear for the genitals area to remain dry.
Observe urinating etiquette
When pressed, do not hold it in. Stay hydrated and relax when you urinate. Wash hands properly after using the toilet.

Clean, disinfect office spaces
Viruses breed round the clock, especially when it comes to hard surfaces, like office desks and office floors. Make sure office door handles, countertops, keyboards and doorknobs are routinely cleaned with anti-bacterial solution to remove the germs.
Use sanitisers
Clean hands every now and then by using hand sanitisers. This is because alcohol contained in the sanitiser is a drying agent and kills all the viruses and bacteria immediately. However, alcohol is liable to make the skin dry; always opt for a branded alcohol-based fragrance-free hand sanitiser, which has a good amount of moisturiser in it.
Wear clean clothes
Wear a fresh set of clothes as often as possible. Dirty clothes are a source of contamination and can cause very serious skin disorders if worn over and again without washing them.
Genital care
Wash the genitals properly and keep the area shaved. Shower on the outside normally. For men who are uncircumcised, retract foreskin and rinse in water before wiping clean towel. If the foreskin can’t be pulled back, then it is clean and no maintenance is required. Clean the anal area twice a day.
Shower daily
Do this at least twice a day. Ten minutes in the shower each day can save you from having body odour.
Trim nose hairs
Some men can get away with letting some of their hair go untamed, but this does not include the nose hairs. Even when they do not appear noticeable, nose hairs can be spotted.
Foot care
Wash feet properly while having a bath, especially between the toes. Wear the right socks and make sure shoes aren’t too tight. Wash shoes or insoles of shoes regularly. For athletic activities, wear a clean pair of socks every day to keep the feet dry and not smelly. When at home, walk about bare feet.

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