Showing posts with label You’ve Been. Show all posts
Showing posts with label You’ve Been. Show all posts

Monday, July 28, 2014

#1 of Top 10 Signs You’ve Been In Nigeria For Too Long

1. You develop a sixth sense

Nigerians can smell anything fishy, especially when it has to do with a business deal. In the same manner they can recognize a good deal or an opportunity when they see one. If you try to behave like a Nigerian when you haven’t really learnt how to be one, you may end up becoming the victim. Like we say “cunny man die, cunny man bury am” and ‘cunny’ is our way of saying ‘cunning’.

#2 of Top 10 Signs You’ve Been In Nigeria For Too Long

2. You become a hustler

Nigerians don’t just thrive, they hustle. At any stage of our lives, whether we are awaiting admission to a higher institution or just graduating, the ‘hustle’ stays on our minds. And just in case you’re wondering, hustle in Nigeria refers to the innate struggle we have for survival and the many schemes we come up with to achieve it.


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