Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Video: Now It's Nigeria, a Case for Perpetual War.

The former president of Nigeria and his countrymen should have been saying this when Nigeria was selling out the Libyan people at the UN Security Council.

Former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo expressed what many in Africa feared from the NATO attack on Libya:
"We knew that at the end of the Libya operations, there would be fallouts. And the fallout would be where would all the weapons go? Where would be some of those who have been trained how to use weapons [and] how would they be accounted for? ..."Part of what is happening in Mali is part of the fallout from Libya, and we should not expect that Mali will be the last."
"The objective is to destabilize Nigeria, destabilize West Africa and target other countries. And, the activities of that group have shown very clearly that this is a group that constitutes a threat to our civilization. This is a group that constitutes a threat to our democracy," said Abati. "This is a group that constitutes a threat to our common humanity and the bonds that tie us together."

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