Showing posts with label 8 Ways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 8 Ways. Show all posts

Sunday, September 8, 2013

8 Ways to make a Guy think about you steadily


Every man wants… no… NEEDS to be teased just a little bit. We’ve been told that teasing a man is the best way to get their attention; and it’s so true. Don’t give him all the control and even worse, don’t make him think he’s the only one that can pull some sarcasm out of their you-know-what.


Let’s face it, the one thing that allows people to really imprint in our minds is how funny they/their personalities are. If there’s one thing that turns guys on the most it’s a girl’s sense of humor. So embrace it!
Continue after the break.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ladies: 8 Ways To Spot His Lies

One significant lie in a connection can destroy it forever. But how good is the B.S. detector? The good thing is by using training everybody can increase their ability to spot lies. The following will be the eight most reliable ways to boost your skills and determine when someone is spitting authentic or fabricated game to you.

1. When the stakes are high, people will lie.

Context is everything. Remember that whenever someone stands a great deal to lose (like you) or a great deal to gain (like you) they are prone to lie.

2. Ask, “How Do You Feel?”

If you're in a predicament where you think the individual you're addressing “did it,” directly ask them “how will you experience doing it.” The wrongly accused person will express anger and tell you so. The guilty person will typically express a range of emotions.
Continue After The Break.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

See Ways Facebook Is Changing People's Lives

Facebook has over 800 million users, and researchers and pollsters have been busy studying them. Here are some of the ways the site is impacting people's lives and changing their behavior
1. You Might Be Addicted
If you're on Facebook, could you go 24 hours without checking your page? According to polls, 80% of users couldn’t. And for a little over a third of the site’s users, it's even worse. One study found that the need to check your Facebook page is more powerful than an addiction to alcohol or cigarettes, and says many of the site's users suffer from "Facebook Addiction Disorder." One psychiatrist says symptoms include letting Facebook interfere with your sleep or work, spending more than one hour a day on the site, and being filled with fear or panic at the thought of deleting your account.

Friday, February 15, 2013

8 Ways To Prevent Facebook From Ruining Your Relationship

From cheating online to lamenting over a break up that has moved on — I hear about how Facebook has supposedly ruined their marriage or their dating relationship. But guess what? Facebook didn’t do anything.
The responsibility here lies on the people involved … not the technology.
Here are some quick tips for you to remember on how to keep your relationship offline and healthy. It all starts with boundaries.
1. Don’t fight. This is awkward. Really. When I see two friends go at each other, even if it is short sarcastic remarks, you can still get a sense that there is more to it than just joking. Not fighting on your Facebook page isn’t just about keeping others from feeling uncomfortable. That is secondary to the most important issue — that it isn’t fair fighting.


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